Assignment 3 Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective Blog
19 Dec 2020
What was accomplished in the project as compared to what was planned? So far what was completed was creating a cart and using cookies and session for my webpage, It was also planned to tweak up the page to make...
1.Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2, was to improve my web application and making it more user-friendly, and give the user more interaction. I have added a...
1.My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: When starting this class, I had a limited amount of coding information. I had taken a class in high school that taught about HTML and CSS, but what I have...
Recently, I have completed the invoiced WOD for more detail refer to this page ( When starting with invoice one, I realized it was different from the other WOD we accomplished. The other WODs had lessons we learned from class,...
For my first BrowserHistoy, I only skim through the screencast solution and try to understand how WODs would work. After that, I would close the screencast a try my first attempt. In my first attempt, I did okay as I...
Hello everyone! my name is Jonathan Kan and I was born and raised on Oahu. I have chosen MIS as my major due to the high interest of technology and how useful it can be. My childhood consists of exploring...