1.Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2, was to improve my web application and making it more user-friendly, and give the user more interaction. I have added a login and registration page that is necessary for the user to check out their products. For more details head to this link:https://dport96.github.io/ITM352/modules/Assignment2/
2.What did you learn from this assignment? I have learned a lot from this assignment, One big thing that it taught me is to make frequent save and to test my work in between coding, I have made so many simple mistakes and was searching for hours trying to fix it, just to find out it was a simple misspelling of the file. I have also learned more about starting early to get ahead to finishing the assignment without stressing at the end.
3.Did you work with a partner? Assign an estimated percentage on the amount each team member contributed to the assignment (including yourself). I didn’t work with any partner and chosen to work on this assignment by myself, I want to challenge myself by trying to code and trying to fix problems, but at times I ask my peers to check my code for any mistakes.
4.How did you get help when you needed it? What did you need help with? I would usually google or find youtube for help and try to decode each line to find out the functionality. I usually need help with CSS and making my web application look pleasing.
5.How was developing this assignment different than assignment #1? I felt that assignment #1 was just creating the skeleton of the web application, while assignment #2 was trying to add the brain and connecting them to the body.
6.Estimate the % of time you spent (a) thinking about how to do something, (b) writing code (but do not include testing, (c) testing and debugging I think I spend 30% thinking about how to do something, 25% coding, and 45% spent testing and debugging.
7.Describe what worked well with this project? What did not work well? What works well was testing my work and finding it was working successfully, what didn’t work well was finding a simple error and spending half the day finding it and getting distracted with other code.
8.If you could go back in time and do things differently, what would you do differently? I found my simple error and fix it right away, therefore I would have more time adding to my web application and make it more user friendly and pleasing.